Sunday, October 14, 2012

Halloween Costume: Shark eating kid

I saw a picture of this costume and thought it was hilarious.  Then I thought, I can do that.  Attack my felt pile, don't ask me why I have yardage of grey felt, find some old kids clothes, and viola shark eating kid costume.  Took about 2 hours to make. My son won "Best Costume" at school.  It was funny because they would walk as a class around the gym and he trailed everyone so it looked like he was stalking them.  The feet are on a coat hanger and he was able to move them so that they looked like they were kicking.  October 2006.

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  1. This is hysterically funny! I bet he had so much fun.

  2. Yes, it was a very big hit. We did the haunt the zoo with him in it and kids would run away from screaming or daring each other to touch him.

  3. This is Marisa. Did you see the email I sent you?
