Sunday, October 14, 2012

Duct Tape: Butter fly costume, front

I made this costume for Teresa completely out of duct tape.  This was my very first attempt at a duct tape costume.  I've decided they are great to make costumes out of because they are so fast.  You lay out a piece of plastic wrap that's about 18", no need to be exact.  Lay down strips of duct tape in your background color.  Connect your strips together to get the length you want.  Then treat it like fabric.  You can lay a pattern piece down on it and cut it out and put it together just like you would do a garment.  Just use a piece of duct tape to connect the sides.  Add all your embellishments and presto, instant outfit!  Go to your local thrift shop, we have a habitat for humanity store and get left over duct tape for pennies.  They are especially good for black or silver and sometimes other colors.
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