Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Costume: Buzz Light Year

Here's Damien's Halloween costume this year, Buzz Light Year.  I actually made this costume for Max in a size 8 maybe 15 years ago!  This one is a size 4 and it's all out of felt.  The only actual material I had to get was the purple and green because I didn't have any pieces big enough.  I still have about 3 yards of white and another 2 of the grey that I didn't get into.  My sewing skills have improved from the first time I made this as I didn't do the red striping on the back pack and I didn't do the little decals before.  I do remember with Max that the costume ran long in the arms and legs and it did the same for Damien.  We went to the Haunt the Zoo here and all of the little boys kept saying, "Look, it's Buzz Light Year!" 

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